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East Cobb Oral Surgery Office


1000 Johnson Ferry Road, Building H
Marietta, GA 30068



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctors Practicing at the East Cobb Office

Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery (AOFS) has been part of the Atlanta community for 40 years. As the largest oral surgery group of its kind in the United States, we have revolutionized our patient journey into a thoughtfully designed holistic experience that addresses patient concerns and inspires confidence. Dr. Paul Schaner & Dr. Robert Wunderle III at our East Cobb office specialize in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Dr. Wesley Sherrell at our East Cobb office specializes in Orofacial pain, TMD, sleep apnea and diagnosis and treatment of intraoral lesions. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on in reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

From 400:

Take 400 south to exit 5, Dunwoody/Sandy Springs

Head West onto Abernathy Rd. NE, go @1 mile

Bear right onto Abernathy Rd. NW, go @.9 miles

Turn right onto Johnson Ferry Rd., go @3.2 miles

Our office will be located on the right.

From 75:

Take 75 to exit 263, S. Marietta Pkwy.

Head east on S. Marietta Pkwy., go @1 mile

Turn right onto Lower Roswell Rd., go @5.7 miles

Turn left onto Johnson Ferry Rd., go @.5 miles

Our office will be located on the right.

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Patient Testimonials

Welcome to Our East Cobb Oral Surgery Office in Marietta, GA

For over 40 years, Atlanta-area residents have counted on Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery for all their oral surgery needs. Our East Cobb office in Marietta, GA provides a wide array of procedures, including dental implants, wisdom teeth extractions, bone grafting, oral pathology, and facial reconstruction. Using the latest technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our surgeon-owned oral surgery group is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. Our focus is on reducing patient anxiety by keeping them informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way. Please look at what we have to offer, and then contact us to schedule a consultation at your convenience.

Dental Implants: One of the Most Natural Replacement Methods

Many patients with missing teeth find dental implants to be beneficial. Widely recognized as one of the most natural replacement methods, dental implant surgery offers results closest to your natural teeth and preserves dental health. You won’t have to be afraid to smile or change your diet with dental implants. However, time is of the essence. Don’t let severe jawbone deterioration hold you back from enjoying life with natural-feeling dental implants.

Wisdom Teeth Removal with Excellent Follow-Up Patient Care

The average adult has 32 teeth, 16 on top and 16 on the bottom, by the age of 18. The third molars (wisdom teeth) usually need to be extracted to avoid complications. You needn’t be nervous about wisdom teeth removal at our office. It’s one of the most common outpatient procedures we offer, and we use local and general anesthesia for your comfort. We also provide excellent follow-up care.

Local & General Anesthesia Keep Patients Relaxed & Comfy

Our East Cobb office offers intravenous (IV) and oral sedation to relax patients during procedures. The use of local and general anesthesia minimizes patient discomfort and anxiety while making it easier for us to provide multiple or lengthy treatments. We also use nitrous oxide (laughing gas). We’ll go over your anesthesia options during your consultation at our office.

Facial Reconstruction Surgery for Facial Traumas & More

For patients with an improper bite, facial reconstruction surgery may be necessary. Surgery restores chewing ability, speech, facial appearance, and long-term oral health. Our oral surgeons can also correct cleft lip and palates, protruding jaws, intra-oral lacerations, fractured jaws, and other injuries caused by facial trauma or birth defects. We can show you how you’ll look after surgery using computer video imaging.

Bone Grafting Encourages Bone Regeneration for Patients

Bone grafting may be used to encourage bone regeneration for patients getting dental implants. Our East Cobb office provides autografts taken from your own bone and bone graft substitutes using synthetic materials. Whether you need simple bone grafting or a major bone graft to correct a traumatic injury, you’re in excellent hands at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery.

Our Oral Pathology Specialists Could Help Save Your Life

Warning signs of oral cancer include lumps, sores, reddish or whitish patches, and chronic sore throat or hoarseness. If you’ve exhibited any of these symptoms, please don’t ignore them. Schedule an oral pathology consultation with our doctors to determine your risk and devise an effective treatment plan.

Non-Surgical Procedures Include Custom Oral Appliances

Not every patient at our East Cobb office requires oral surgery. We also provide many non-surgical procedures for patients, including splint therapy and trigger point injections for TMJ disorder. If you suffer from sleep apnea, we offer custom-made oral appliances. Please contact us today to explore our surgical and non-surgical options in Atlanta and the surrounding areas!