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Cumming, GA Oral Surgery Office


1505 Northside Blvd, Suite 2700
Cumming, GA 30041



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctors Practicing at the Cumming Office

Dr. Richard Meaders and Dr. Johnathan Threadgill at our Cumming office specialize in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

From 400:

Take 400 to exit 14, Hwy 20 east, Cumming

Take 20 east for @.1 miles

Turn right at the first light onto Northside Forsyth Dr.

Turn right into Northside/Forsyth Hospital parking lot.

Our office is located in suite 2700 in the 1505 building, next to the parking deck.

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Patient Testimonials

Is It Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Cumming, GA?

Dr. Richard Meaders and Dr. Johnathan Threadgill specialize in a wide array of procedures in our Cumming, GA office, including wisdom teeth removal and bone grafting. Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery is one of the largest providers of our kind with over 20 offices in the Greater Atlanta Area. Whether you’re here for facial reconstruction surgery or dental implants, our priority is your safety and comfort. For over 40 years, we’ve remained at the forefront of clinical updates and technology to offer the best patient care. Please reach out to us today to schedule an appointment. You can expect your anxieties to melt away as we prioritize keeping you informed. Exceptional care every step of the way is our focus!

Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth for Natural Results

Missing teeth affect more than just the appearance of your smile. They also impact your general health, self-esteem, and diet. Dental implants replace missing teeth during a process called osseointegration. They’re the preferred restoration method by patients and dentists. During your visit, our doctors will examine your jawbone to see if you’re a good candidate.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Using Local or General Anesthesia

By the age of 18, many people will need wisdom teeth extraction. We use local or general anesthesia during this standard outpatient procedure in our Cumming office. Surgical risks and downtime are minimal. Our staff is well-trained in anesthesia techniques, and we use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to ensure patient comfort and safety. We also provide detailed post-operative instructions and follow up with our patients.

General Anesthesia Options Include IV and Oral Sedation

It’s not uncommon for patients to experience anxiety about oral procedures. Local and general anesthesia puts patients at ease with minimal discomfort. Our Cumming office offers nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as well as intravenous (IV) and oral sedation. Our goal is to keep you calm, comfortable, and relaxed. Anesthesia allows us to administer multiple treatments in a single office visit to save you time and money.

Facial Reconstruction Surgery Corrects Protruding Jaws & More

Our oral surgeons may recommend facial reconstruction surgery if you have an open bite, protruding jaw, or an injury caused by facial trauma. Thanks to modern computer video imaging and x-rays, we can even give you an idea of how you’ll look after surgery. Facial reconstruction surgery restores your facial appearance, chewing capabilities, speech, and long-term oral health.

We Offer Bone Grafting to Regenerate Missing Bone Tissue

Many dental implant candidates require bone grafting to regenerate missing bone tissue. The bone may be obtained through a tissue bank or from elsewhere in your body. We also use many synthetic materials as a safe alternative. Every bone grafting procedure has its own risks and benefits. Talk to us to determine which option is right for you.

Do You Have Oral Pathology Concerns? Schedule a Consultation

Are you concerned about oral cancer? From reddish and whitish patches to lumps, bleeding sores, and chronic sore throat, there are many warning signs. Our doctors provide oral pathology consultations to save our patients’ lives. Conduct self-exams monthly and call us if anything seems out of the ordinary.

Non-Surgical Procedures for TMJ Disorder, Sleep Apnea, & More

Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery also provides many non-surgical procedures for our Cumming-area patients. Whether you need medication for dry mouth or a custom oral appliance for sleep apnea, we’d be happy to help. Reach out to our office to schedule a consultation today.